[INDOLOGY] Indian Ethics: please submit to PhilPapers (apologies for cross posting)

Shyam Ranganathan shyamr at yorku.ca
Thu Mar 2 15:54:13 UTC 2017

Dear all,

I am the Indian Ethics <https://philpapers.org/browse/indian-ethics/> 
editor for PhilPapers <https://philpapers.org/>. PhilPapers is the 
online database of publications in philosophy. It is a crowd-source 
effort: individual scholars are expected to and invited to contribute 
bibliographical information for their own publications, and once 
contributed they are reviewed by a subject editor.

I am writing to ask any and all of you who have written on Indian 
Ethics---Indic systems of values or norms//and their Indian /reasons/ 
////justifications/---to submit bibliographical information about your 
relevant publications, if you have not already done so. I will 
periodically review the references to ensure that they are within the 
purview of the category. As long as the material is relevant to Indian 
moral (dharma) theory, they should be included.

To include your publications, please click the "submit material" link at 
the top of the PhilPapers page, and login or create an account first.

PhilPapers is a great resource. While institutions are expected to pay 
and subscribe, it is free to use for the average internet surfer, from 
their home or in public.  PhilPaper entries show up on Google searches 
for your name, and hence it is a useful way to get your work publicized. 
If you are unsure about the kind of material that is relevant, you can 
drop me a query.

Thanks, and best wishes,





Department of Philosophy

York University, Toronto

shyam-ranganathan.info <http://shyam-ranganathan.info/>

/The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Ethics 

/Patañjali`s Yoga Sūtras 
<http://penguin.co.in/book/classics/patanjalis-yoga-sutra/>/ (Translation, 
Edition and Commentary)

/Translating Evaluative Discourse: The Semantics of Thick and Thin 
Concepts <https://philpapers.org/rec/SHYTED>/

Full List, Publications <https://philpapers.org/s/shyam%20ranganathan>

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