[INDOLOGY] Correct reading in Taittiriya Samhita edition?

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 22:46:02 UTC 2017

Dear list members,
Three editions of the Taitttiriya Samhita, the edition of Weber, the
edition of Satvalekar, and the edition of Kasinatha Agase differ in a

In the Taittiriya Samhita 4.5.1 verse 2


Satvalekar has      sarvān jambhayantsarvāśca

Agase   has           sarvānjambhayansarvāśca

Weber   has          sarvāñjambhayantsarvāśca

Satvalekar and Agase have  sarvān where Weber has sarvāñ
Weber and Satvalekar have jambhayant where Agase has  jambhayan

Is this a case of misprints in one or more editions or some kind of case of
normalizing sandhi?
Which is the correct reading?

Harry Spier

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