[INDOLOGY] In searching of Photographs with biographies of Sanskrit Scholars

Krishnaprasad G krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 11:34:11 UTC 2017

Dear list

I am searching for the biographies and photographs of the following
Sanskrit Scholars

A. B. Gajendragadkar (Mumbai Elphinstone College)
R.D. Karmarkar (Pune)
Appa Shastri Rashiwadekar
Narayana Shastri Khiste
K. L. V. Shastri (K L Vyasaraja Shastri)
R.V. Krsnamachariar
R. Krsnamachariar
M. Krsnamacariar

any info would highly admired

Krishna Prasad

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