[INDOLOGY] Attantya Abhava

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at oeaw.ac.at
Wed Jan 4 13:12:12 UTC 2017

Just to add to this: the category of atyantābhāva also occurs in
*Candramati's *Daśapadārthaśāstra, a Vaiśeṣika work preserved only in
Chinese translation (see Ui, "The Vaiśeṣika Philosophy according to the
Daśapadārtha-Śāstra", London 1917). *Candramati also accepts abhāva as a
separate category (padārtha). His text lists five varieties of absence
(the other four are prāg-, pradhvaṃsa-, anyonya-, and saṃsarga-abhāva).
Prior to Vācaspati Miśra I, Bhaṭṭa Jayanta relates the fourfold
classification at NM I 166,7f. (Mysore ed.), and then also a sixfold
classification (these four plus apekṣābhāvaḥ and sāmarthyābhāvaḥ).

The fourfold classification also occurs, of course, in Kumārila's
Ślokavārttika, chapter on abhāva, where the example for the atyantābhāva
is the hare's horn. There it is however not part of an overarching
classification into the two types mutual and relational absence.

With best wishes,

Birgit Kellnre

Am 04.01.2017 um 13:24 schrieb Michael Williams:
> My impression is that the categorisation of absence that becomes
> standard in the Navya‐Nyāya tradition (i.e. the twofold division of
> absence into mutual absence and relational absence, with relational
> absence divided into prāg‐, pradhvaṃsa‐ and atyanta‐ abhāva) is first
> found in Vācaspati Miśra's I Nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā under sūtra
> 2.2.12. Not all earlier Nyāya‐Vaiśeṣika philosophers accept this scheme
> of absence. An early Vaiśeṣika thinker to accept the same scheme of
> absence is Śivāditya in the early passages of the Saptapadārthī. Matilal
> (in the Navya‐Nyāya Doctrine of Negation, chapter 12) has a good
> discussion of the historical development of the concept in pre‐Gaṅgeśa
> Nyāya‐Vaiśeṣika philosophy. The standard manuals of Navya‐Nyāya (e.g.
> Siddhāntamuktāvalī or Tarkasaṅgraha and their commentaries) have
> detailed summaries of the concepts. Another good source is Stephen
> Phillip's translation of Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi.
> Mike
> Am 04.01.2017 12:31, schrieb Dean Michael Anderson via INDOLOGY:
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Dr. Birgit Kellner
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstrasse 11-13
A-1020 Vienna / Austria
Phone: (+43-1) 51581 / 6420
Fax: (+43-1) 51581 / 6410

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