[INDOLOGY] Contacting J D Tripathi

Dániel Balogh danbalogh at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 20:09:58 UTC 2017

Dear List,

could anyone help me contact Dr. Jitendra Datt Tripathi, who has worked 
on the petroglyphs of Bihar Kotra and Narsinghgarh (MP)? I'm afraid I do 
not know where if anywhere he is affiliated; he may be a resident of 
Narsinghgarh. Any information would be appreciated, email address, if 
any, preferred of course.

Also, if anyone knows of any information pertaining to the Bihar 
Kotra/Narsinghgarh cave inscription of Aparājitavardhana (other than the 
report in Indian Archaeology, A Review 1982-83, K V Ramesh's paper in 
"Indus Valley to Mekong Delta" and J D Tripathi's article in Purakala 
1997), I would be grateful if you could share.

Thank you,

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