[INDOLOGY] Yoga and Sexual Violence Conference/Workshop: Save the Date
patrick mccartney
psdmccartney at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 01:14:57 UTC 2017
Dear Friends,
Thanks to funds made available through SARI <http://sari.anu.edu.au/>,
we are beginning to organise a small conference/workshop on 'Yoga and
Sexual Violence'. This builds on the conference we organised last year
about 'Yoga and the Body'
The tentative timing for the conference is scheduled for the *second half
of 2017*. The most likely date is *sometime in November*, which is a lovely
time to be in Canberra, Australia.
A confirmed date, more information, and an official call for papers will
occur in the next few months. For now, we invite you to *save the date. *We
will consider all possibilities that explore the theme, which includes
perspectives that are grounded in philology, history, anthropology, and
All the best,
Patrick McCartney, PhD
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200
Skype - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp: +61 414 954 748
Twitter - @psdmccartney
*bodhapūrvam calema* ;-)
academia <https://anu-au.academia.edu/patrickmccartney>
Edanz <https://www.edanzediting.com/expert/anthropology/patrick-mccartney>
#yogabodyANU2016 symposium <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X80KxW2bb0w>
Ep1 - Imagining Sanskrit Land <https://youtu.be/jMi7tkPBbJ4>
Ep 2 - Total-am <https://youtu.be/7tAp8m9RHPU>
Ep 3 - Jalam ≠ Chillum <https://youtu.be/cLZeuCT_mwQ>
Ep 4 - It's Time to get Married
A Day in our Ashram
Stop animation short film of Shakuntala
Forced to Clean Human Waste <http://youtu.be/y3XfjbwqC_g>
One of my favourite song <http://trinityroots.bandcamp.com/track/all-we-be>s
The Philosophy of Cycling
Plato's Cave
Endangered Languages MOOC
Blackfella-Whitefella <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_DHwp5vYBI>
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