[INDOLOGY] Professor Bansidhar Bhatt (1929-2016)

Peter Flugel pf8 at soas.ac.uk
Tue Sep 6 09:35:24 UTC 2016

It is very sad to report that Professor Bansidhar Bhatt (1929-2016), one of
the stalwarts of Jaina-Studies in the last forty years, has passed away on
4 September 2016. Professor Bhatt was awarded the degree of Dr. Phil. from
the Free University of Berlin in 1977 on The Canonical Nikṣepa: Studies in
Jaina Dialectics (Leiden 1978). He was Professor of Indology at Panjab
University in Patiala 1977-1985 (Mahāvīra Chair for Jaina Studies) and from
1985 until his retirement at the University of Münster in Germany.
Professor Bhatt is renowned for his outstanding work on technical Jaina
philosophy. Most of his ground-breaking articles have been re-published by
the Sharadaben Chimmanbhai Educational Research Centre in Ahmedabad in
2005. Despite his deteriorating health, Professor Bhatt was able to
complete his last book on the Jina Pārśvanātha this year.

Dr Peter Flügel
Chair, Centre of Jaina Studies
Department of Religions and Philosophies
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
School of Oriental and African Studies
University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London WC1H OXG

Tel.: (+44-20) 7898 4776
E-mail: pf8 at soas.ac.uk

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