[INDOLOGY] article request

Paul Hackett ph2046 at columbia.edu
Fri Oct 28 14:14:14 UTC 2016

Dear Vanessa, 

   I have a copy.  I'll send it to you off-list.



> On Oct 28, 2016, at 10:02 AM, Vanessa Sasson <V.Sasson at marianopolis.edu> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Does anyone have a pdf copy of the following article:
> Csoma de Koros, Alexander. “Notices on the Life of Shakya Extracted from the Tibetan Authorities.”
> The article is from 1839 and was originally published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (I believe) but a reprint was produced in the journal, Tibetan Studies, in 1986.
> I cannot seem to find either edition.
> Thank you,
> Vanessa R. Sasson
> Marianopolis College
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