Re: [INDOLOGY] Translation of yaṣṭihastaya

Roland Steiner steiner at
Tue Nov 8 11:20:56 UTC 2016

> *PW: f. nom. act. von 1. yaj P. 3,3,110, Sch. wohl fehlerhaft für iṣṭi. *
> *pw: f. nom. act. von 1. yaj. Richtig iṣṭi. *

> Does *f. nom. act. von 1. yaj* (saying that a word is an abstract  
> noun from a specific root) not indicate/suggest a meaning?

It means that the correct word is iṣṭi (and not yaṣṭi, the reading of  
Boehtlinkg's source) which has the meaning "sacrificing". (By the way:  
"nom. act." = "nomen actionis" = "action noun" -> ktin).

> If it did not hint at the meaning of *sacrificing/sacrifice*, how  
> did the Monier-Williams dictionary
> entries, supposedly based on the above entries, end up as the  
> following? Did M-W get the meaning from another source?

> *MW: sacrificing, (perhaps incorrect for 3. ishṭi.)*
> *mw: sacrificing, Pāṇ. iii. 3, 110, Sch. (prob. w. r. for ishṭi)*

-- PW Vol. 1 (published 1852-55), s.v. 2. iṣṭi (von yaj) "f. Opferung,  
Opfer P. 3, 3, 95, Vârtt. 1. AK. 3, 4, 41. [...]"

"Opferung, Opfer" means "sacrificing, sacrifice".

-- PW Vol. 6 (1868-1871), s.v. 2. yaṣṭi "f. nom. act. von 1. yaj P. 3,  
3, 110, Sch. wohl fehlerhaft für iṣṭi."

-- MW (1872), s.v. 3. ishṭi, is, f. "sacrificing, sacrifice [...]"

-- MW (1872), s.v. 1. yashṭi, is, f.: "sacrificing, (perhaps incorrect  
for 3. ishṭi.)"

-- pw Vol. 1 (1879), s.v. 3. iṣṭi: "f. Opfer [...]"

-- pw Vol. 4 (1883), s.v. 2 *yaṣṭi: "f. Nom. act. von 1. yaj. Richtig iṣṭi."

-  MW (1899), s.v. 3. iṣṭi: "f. sacrificing, sacrifice"

-- MW (1899), s.v. 1. yaṣṭi: f. "sacrificing Pāṇ.  iii, 3, 110 Sch.  
(prob. w.r. for iṣṭi).


Roland Steiner

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