[INDOLOGY] Muslim Vaishnavas of Bengal

Buchta, David david_buchta at brown.edu
Sun May 8 00:35:43 UTC 2016

Hi Harsha,

The first thing that comes to mind is Tony Stewart's contribution to Donald
Lopez's *Religions of India in Practice *on Haridāsa Ṭhākura. It is Ch. 40
in that volume, entitled, "The Exemplary Devotion of the 'Servant of
Hari'." That volume might have a good deal of other material that is useful
as well. I hope this helps.

David Buchta
Lecturer in Sanskrit
Department of Classics
Brown University

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Harsha Dehejia <harshadehejia at hotmail.com>

> Friends:
> One of my students is working on Muslim Vaishnavas of Bengal.
> I would be grateful for any starting points for this study.
> Kind regards,
> Harsha
> Prof. Harsha V. Dehejia
> Ottawa, ON., Canada.
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