Hi Harsha,

The first thing that comes to mind is Tony Stewart's contribution to Donald Lopez's Religions of India in Practice on Haridāsa Ṭhākura. It is Ch. 40 in that volume, entitled, "The Exemplary Devotion of the 'Servant of Hari'." That volume might have a good deal of other material that is useful as well. I hope this helps.

David Buchta
Lecturer in Sanskrit
Department of Classics
Brown University

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Harsha Dehejia <harshadehejia@hotmail.com> wrote:

One of my students is working on Muslim Vaishnavas of Bengal.

I would be grateful for any starting points for this study.

Kind regards,

Prof. Harsha V. Dehejia
Ottawa, ON., Canada.

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