Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions

peter bisschop pcbisschop at
Wed May 4 09:55:04 UTC 2016

 At the request of my colleague Lucien van Beek, I am forwarding this call
for papers. The organizers hope that several Vedicists will also
participate in the workshop.

Peter Bisschop
Leiden University

*Call for Papers: Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions*
Leiden University, 27-29 October, 2016

The language of Homer (epic Greek) contains linguistic forms from different
periods and dialects, as well as numerous artificial forms. Epic Greek is
therefore commonly described as an artificial language, a *Kunstsprache*.
This conference is dedicated to language change in the Greek epic tradition
and in other oral traditions. The leading question is: to what extent can
oral traditions develop autonomously?

We welcome contributions on topics relating to the study of language change
in epic Greek and in similar oral traditions. Papers on the genesis or
history of the Homeric (Avestan, Vedic etc.) texts are also welcome,
provided that they shed light on issues of language change.

*Key note speakers*:

   - Alain Blanc (Rouen)
   - Albio Cassio (Roma)
   - Jeremy Rau (Harvard)
   - Rudolf Wachter (Lausanne / Basel)
   - Andreas Willi (Oxford)

*Dates: *

   - Titles and abstracts submission: no later than Wednesday 15 June, 2016
   to *epic_greek at*

   - Notification of acceptance: Friday 8 July, 2016.

*Further information: *

   - Full call: see pdf (attachment).
   - Conference website:

The organizers,
Lucien van Beek, Alwin Kloekhorst, Sasha Lubotsky, Tijmen Pronk

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