[INDOLOGY] RESOURCE> Scholiast update - April 2016

Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica r.mahoney at indica-et-buddhica.org
Sat Apr 30 22:30:15 UTC 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The most recent update can be found here:

Scholiast update - April 2016
Publication date: 30.April.2016, 21:30

`Scholiast is now holding 250,695 bibliographic records. This includes
more than 43,000 records for books reviewed in ...'


For further details please see:

Indica et Buddhica Scholiast

With best regards,


Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica

Littledene  Bay Road  Oxford 7430  NZ
M: +64-21-064-0216  T: +64-3-312-1699
r.mahoney at indica-et-buddhica.org

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