[INDOLOGY] Sheldon Pollock's Rasa Reader

Audrey Truschke audrey.truschke at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 16:06:05 UTC 2016

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Many will be thrilled to know that Sheldon Pollock's *A Rasa Reader:
Classical Indian Aesthetics* is now available. To quote Robert Goldman on
the work:

"*A Rasa Reader* is the product of enormous erudition in both the Indian
and European traditions of the philosophy and science of aesthetics, and it
will make a unique and powerful contribution to scholars in several areas.
No other work of which I am aware enables even the lay reader to grasp the
elusive concept of *rasa*, its relationship to the psychology of emotion,
and the way in which successive authors redefined the meaning and locus of
the aesthetic response"

*A Rasa Reader* is available at the following links:

All the best,

Audrey Truschke
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Rutgers University-Newark

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Religious Studies
Stanford University
e- <audrey.truschke at gmail.com>mail <audrey.truschke at gmail.com> | website

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