[INDOLOGY] krauYcapadA

Andrew Ollett andrew.ollett at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 00:35:13 UTC 2015

Velankar's article can be found here:


Regarding Dieter's second question, there are the "Nebencaesuren" of
āryā-type meters, which are not (to my knowledge) described as yati by the
tradition: in certain positions (the sixth gaṇa of the first line, and the
fourth gaṇa of any vipulā line, as H. Jacobi discovered), there must be a
"syncopated" rhythm, which is achieved either with the shape v–v or with
v|vvvv, the word-boundary being necessary in the second case to prevent the
four light syllables from being scanned as two bimoraic feet. Correspondingly
there are "bridges" where, in order to ensure that the last and
last-but-one mātrās of a gaṇa are scanned as a single bimoraic foot, no
word-boundary is permitted between them. You can read more in C. Mayrhofer
in IIJ 31 (1988) 17-25 and my paper on the āryā here

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Harry Spier <hspier.muktabodha at gmail.com>

> If any of the list members have a pdf of this article:
> H.D. Velankar's paper "The Prosodical Practice of Sanskrit Poets" (in: The
> Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 24/25,
> 1948/49, pp. 49-92)
> I would be greatful to receive a copy.
> Many thanks,
> Harry Spier
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