Nagaraj Paturi nagarajpaturi at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 20:12:07 UTC 2015

> Curiously, in the Yājñavalkya Smṛti (3.112–116) there is a passage about
how a person proficient in music and singing can attain the highest Brahman.

1. 'how a person proficient in music and singing can attain the highest
Brahman.' can be traced to Chandogyopanishad:

ओमित्येदक्षरमुद्गीथमुपासीत ।  ओमितिहुद्गायति तस्योपाख्यानम् । 1-1

एषा भूतानां पृथिवी रस पृथिव्या आपो  रस । आपामोषधयो रस ओषधीनां पुरुषो रस
पुरुषस्य वाग्रसो वाच ऋग्रस ऋच साम रस साम्न उद्गीथो रस । 1-2

Most of the remaining part of the first chapter too discusses the same

Prof.Nagaraj Paturi

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