[INDOLOGY] Does anyone know of Sanskrit works that use 2nd-syllable rhyming?

Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at univ-paris-diderot.fr
Tue Jul 28 11:53:54 UTC 2015


In terms of frequency,
I would venture to say that the most serious exception to the massive 
presence of etukai at the beginning of lines in the Tamil devotional 
corpus is seen in the nēricai veṇpā (which differs in that manner from 
the iṉṉicai veṇpā).

See for instance the /mutal tiruvantāti/ (by poykaiyāḻvār), the /iraṇṭām 
tiruvantāti/, etc.

For a graphic representation of the pattern, see the attached PNG image,
taken from page 57 in a recent article of mine.

Chevillard, Jean-Luc, 2014, Metres in Tamil Bhakti Literature and the 
Problem of their (occasional) Description in Treatises (Studies in Tamil 
Metrics-2), pp.39-96, in Gillet, Valérie (Ed.), Mapping the Chronology 
of Bhakti: Milestones, Stepping Stones, and Stumbling Stones. 
Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Honour of Pandit R. Varadadesikan, 
Collection Indologie n˚ 124, Institut Français de Pondichéry / Ecole 
française d’Extrême-Orient.

Regarding the two types of veṇpā,
there is an interesting article by V.S. Rajam

Rajam, V.S., 1992, “The Evolution of Veṇpā as an Independent Entity”, 
pp. 163-184 in PILC Jourrnal of Dravidic Studies, Pondicherry Institute 
of Linguistics and Culture, Volume 2:2, Pondicherry.

It might be available online somewhere, but I do not have the URL at hand.

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (still in Paris)




On 28/07/2015 09:35, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
> Dear Palaniappan,
> Maybe Indira Peterson is referring to what is most frequently seen.
> Metrical treatises codify (and name) many theoretical possibilities
> but many of those "possibilities" are extremely rare (and found only as
> examples inside treatises), which is why, when writing about Tamil meter
> in a series of article, I have tried to make statistics.
> -- Jean-Luc Chevillard (about to fly from Paris to India)
> "https://univ-paris-diderot.academia.edu/JeanLucChevillard"
> "https://plus.google.com/u/0/113653379205101980081/posts/p/pub"
> "https://twitter.com/JLC1956"
> On 28/07/2015 09:13, Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan via INDOLOGY wrote:
>> On p. 188 of the earlier referenced article, Indira Peterson says, “In
>> Dravidian vernacular poetic texts, initial rhyme occurs at the beginning
>> of and within the line of poetry, while second-consonant or -syllable
>> rhyme is placed only at the beginning of the line of poetry, i.e., yati
>> is a line-internal rhyme pattern, while prāsa is line-external.” This is
>> not correct as far as Tamil is concerned. The second syllable rhyme can
>> also occur within a line in different patterns. Assuming there are are
>> four feet in a line, the second-syllable rhyming can occur in different
>> patterns such as between feet 1 and 2; 1 and 3; 1 and 4; 1, 2, and 3; 1,
>> 3, and 4; 1, 2, and 4; and 1, 2, 3, and 4.
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