[INDOLOGY] Developing story on alleged plagiarism by Rajiv Malhotra

Artur Karp karp at uw.edu.pl
Sat Jul 11 13:24:18 UTC 2015

> Introduction: Halfbass

Change please *Halfbass* to Halbfass

Artur K.

2015-07-11 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jesse Knutson <jknutson at hawaii.edu>:

> Dear Friends and Colleagues, I have created this simple petition. Someone
> suggested that addressing it to Harper Collins would be more effective,
> since they have something at stake, whereas the author will likely not
> admit any wrongdoing. If anyone has suggestions for improving the petition
> or revamping it, they would be welcome as this is the first time I have
> made a petition on change.org. I hope this helps the effort. Best,
> भवदीयः,J
> https://www.change.org/p/harper-collins-india-in-view-of-the-widespread-plagiarism-found-in-rajiv-malhotra-s-book-indra-s-net-published-by-harper-collins-india-we-call-on-the-publisher-to-make-a-formal-public-apology-and-to-withdraw-the-book-from-the-market?recruiter=5167386&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 1:33 PM, D N Jha <jdnarayan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why not to both Rajiv Malhotra and his publisher?
>> D N Jha
>> Former Professor of History
>> University of Delhi
>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Jesse Knutson <jknutson at hawaii.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for sharing this Audrey. I feel we should launch some kind of
>>> petition and express a collective condemnation. This is so totally
>>> unacceptable that we have to respond as a scholarly community.
>>> I am not sure whether it would be more effective to address the petition
>>> to Malhotra himself, demanding that he admit his guilt and apologize, or
>>> would it be more worthwhile to address it to the publishers in question?
>>> Best,J
>>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 3:16 AM, Audrey Truschke <
>>> audrey.truschke at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> List members may be interested in the growing story of alleged
>>>> plagiarism of several scholars, including a list member, by Rajiv Malhotra.
>>>> The story has been largely developing on twitter (#message4rajiv). Also see
>>>> the nice summary on reddit:
>>>> https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/3c8quf/confirmed_widespread_plagiarism_found_in_hindu/
>>>> Audrey Truschke
>>>> Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>> Department of Religious Studies
>>>> Stanford University
>>>> e- <audrey.truschke at gmail.com>mail <audrey.truschke at gmail.com> |
>>>> website <http://www.stanford.edu/~truschke/>
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>>> --
>>> Jesse Ross Knutson PhD
>>> Assistant Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali, Department of Indo-Pacific
>>> Languages and Literatures
>>> University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
>>> 452A Spalding
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>> --
>> --
>> D N Jha
>> Professor of History (retired),
>> University of Delhi
>> 9, Uttaranchal Apartments
>> 5, I.P. Extension, Delhi 110 092
>> Tel: + 2277 1049
>> Cell: 98111 43090
>> jdnarayan at gmail.com
>> dnjha72 at gmail.com
> --
> Jesse Ross Knutson PhD
> Assistant Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali, Department of Indo-Pacific
> Languages and Literatures
> University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
> 452A Spalding
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