[INDOLOGY] Tibetan Translations of Indian Texts

Birgit Kellner kellner at asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Jan 30 19:08:22 UTC 2015

Am 30.01.2015 um 19:57 schrieb Warner Belanger:
> James,
> For the two Tibetan imperial-era catalogs (early 9th to mid-9th
> centuries), see:
> Die Lhan kar ma: Ein fruher Katalog der ins Tibetische ubersetzten
> buddhistischen Texte. Kritische Neuausgabe mit Einleitung und
> Materialien by by Adelheid Herrmann-Pfandt. She includes references to
> the Karchag Phangthangma (dkar-chag 'Phang-thang-ma) (abbreviation
> is ’Phań).

... on the latter see also: Georgios Halkias, "Tibetan Buddhism
Registered: A Catalogue From the Imperial Court of 'Phang Thang". The
Eastern Buddhist 35/1-2 (2004) 46-105.

Best regards,

Birgit Kellner

Prof. Dr. Birgit Kellner
Chair of Buddhist Studies
Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context - The
Dynamics of Transculturality"
University of Heidelberg
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
D-69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49(0)6221 - 54 4301 (Office Ina Chebbi: 4363)
Fax: +49(0)6221 - 54 4012

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