[INDOLOGY] Chapters from Ritual, State and History in South Asia

Jarrod Whitaker whitakjl at wfu.edu
Wed Jan 28 18:55:21 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues:
Does anyone have pdf copies of these two chapters, both from the same 
edited volume? I know I have hard copies somewhere, but I can't find 
them (I do see a readable copy online, but I need hard copies of the 
chapters and the volume is proving difficult to inter-library loan [it's 
also selling for near $600 on Amazon, so I won't be buying a copy for my 
library in the near future]).

Kulke, H. 1992. “The Rājasūya. A Paradigm of Early State Formation?” In 
A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, and M.S. Oort, eds., Ritual, State and 
History in South Asia: Essays in Honour of J.C. Heesterman. Leiden: E.J. 
Brill: 188-198.

Scharfe, Hartmut. 1992. “Sacred Kingship, Warlords, and Nobility.” In 
A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, and M.S. Oort, eds., Ritual, State and 
History in South Asia: Essays in Honour of J.C. Heesterman. Leiden: E.J. 
Brill: 309-322.


Jarrod Whitaker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Asian Religions
Graduate Program Director

Wake Forest University
Department of Religion
P.O. Box 7212
Winston-Salem, NC  27109
whitakjl at wfu.edu
p 336.758.4162

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