[INDOLOGY] Manuscripts in India

Martin Gansten martin.gansten at pbhome.se
Wed Feb 25 20:46:47 UTC 2015

I'd like to confirm the positive report shared by Dominik earlier this 
year (below). His post encouraged me to contact Koba Tirth by email, and 
I found everone involved extremely helpful. It took them a few weeks to 
find the manuscripts of the texts I was looking for, but then I had 
given them several alternative titles. All in all I received PDFs 
containing nearly 600 pages of high-quality scans. Unlike Dominik, I 
also received a bill, for Rs. 600, but I was more than happy to pay. The 
only problem turned out to be that the amount was too small (!) to be 
handled by the transfer service I used, so I had to top it up with a 
minor donation; but again, I was happy to do so.

Martin Gansten

Dominik Wujastyk wrote:
> [...]
> A counter-example.  The largest MS library in the world is the Gyan 
> Tirth at Koba <http://kobatirth.org/jainlibrary.aspx>, just on the 
> outskirts of Ahmedabad. Yes, I mean it.  250k MSS, making it four 
> times larger than the Vatican library or the BN in Paris.  I was there 
> in late 2011.  The faculty and staff could not have been kinder or 
> more helpful.  Everything computerized and efficient.  I was given 
> PDFs on my data plug within half an hour of asking.  No money.  And I 
> was told, "next time, no need to come so far; just send email, we'll 
> send PDF as attachment."   Utterly amazing.

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