Re: [INDOLOGY] vāstśāstra

Ales Petrocchi pahitatta at
Wed Feb 18 21:53:48 UTC 2015

Dear Herman,
I would suggest  the works by Adam Hardy and the interesting PhD
dissertation by Anna Aleksandra Slaczka  (Leiden, 2006):
*Temple consecration rituals in ancient India: text and archaeology.*
It was published as a book  by Leiden Brill, 2007.
She explores Hindu rituals and the concept of sacred space in Sanskrit
architectural works and provides the translation of non-studied Zaiva texts.
Her research analyses also archaeological sources in India and outside in
order to understand the relation between written sources and material

I hope it helps,
all the best,

On 18 February 2015 at 21:15, Tieken, H.J.H. <H.J.H.Tieken at
> wrote:

>   The Hague, 18 February 2015.
>  Dear list members,
>  A history student from Delhi (JNU) presently in Leiden is writing a
> paper on *vāstuśāstra*s as a source of historical studies. I want her at
> least to know of the ideas such as expressed by Vincent Lefèvre, in his
> book *Commanditaires & artistes en Indu du Sud. Des Pallava aux Nāyak
> (VI-XVIII si**ècle)*. Paris 2006, pp. 95-107 regarding the practical use
> (or rather, the absence of that) of such texts for the artisans and
> craftsmen: Briefly, the texts were mainly concerned with rituals;
> whatever practical information on construction etc. which is there, is
> there as a by-product of the ritual interest. If artisans refer to these
> texts they do so to enhance their status.
> Unfortunately, the student does not read French. I hope that some of the
> members of this list are able to suggests some publications in English
> which deal with these matters.
> With kind regards, Herman Tieken
>  Herman Tieken
> University of Leiden
> The Netherlands
>  website:
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