[INDOLOGY] Rgveda Padapaatha DVD from Kerala

David and Nancy Reigle dnreigle at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 03:23:01 UTC 2015

Dear Michael,

Good to know that this important knowledge has been recorded on a DVD. The
description speaks of "referring to four versions of Pada Paatha texts
available at the time of its preparation." If "version" means śākhā, I know
of only three extant versions of the padapāṭha, two of which have become
available in printed editions only recently. Is there a fourth? Or is he
perhaps referring to four different printed editions of the Śākala padapāṭha?

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Michael Witzel <witzel at fas.harvard.edu>

> *Dear All,*
> *here an important announcement out of Kerala:*
> *The traditional Vedic scholar Kothamanagalam Vasudevan Nambudiri  has
> recorded and produced a 50 hour DVD of the Padapāṭha of the RV, recorded
> in the "Pada Paatha Adhyayana" style of Thirunavaya Veda Paathasala of
> Malappuram district, Kerala. *
> *He can be contacted by phone at:  -(India= 91) -(0)488 5210191 or Mobile
> number: 8547210191 <8547210191>*
> *(Kothamangalam is an outstanding scholar of the Hastamudra (aanguli
> mudra) system of  Nambudiri Veda Recitation.  Each mudra is shown first,
> identifying its phonetic nature as it occurs in the vocal apparatus.)*
> *I attach two descriptions.   *
> *With our warm thanks for this important **undertaking!*
> Michael Witzel
> (PS there also exists a CD collection of the complete Ṛgveda Saṃhitāpāṭha
> from Kerala but it seems to be sold out now. One would hope that other
> traditional centers of Vedic learning, such as in the Godavari or Kaveri
> deltas would produce such DVDs as well. Recitation recorded at Pune in the
> Eighties is available via the Royal Danish Library but at prohibitive cost.)
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