Dear Michael,

Good to know that this important knowledge has been recorded on a DVD. The description speaks of "referring to four versions of Pada Paatha texts available at the time of its preparation." If "version" means śākhā, I know of only three extant versions of the padapāha, two of which have become available in printed editions only recently. Is there a fourth? Or is he perhaps referring to four different printed editions of the Śākala padapāha? Thanks.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Michael Witzel <> wrote:
Dear All,

here an important announcement out of Kerala:

The traditional Vedic scholar Kothamanagalam Vasudevan Nambudiri  has recorded and produced a 50 hour DVD of the Padapāṭha of the RV, recorded in the "Pada Paatha Adhyayana" style of Thirunavaya Veda Paathasala of Malappuram district, Kerala. 

He can be contacted by phone at:  -(India= 91) -(0)488 5210191 or Mobile number: 8547210191

(Kothamangalam is an outstanding scholar of the Hastamudra (aanguli mudra) system of  Nambudiri Veda Recitation.  Each mudra is shown first, identifying its phonetic nature as it occurs in the vocal apparatus.)

I attach two descriptions.   

With our warm thanks for this important undertaking!

Michael Witzel

(PS there also exists a CD collection of the complete Ṛgveda Saṃhitāpāṭha from Kerala but it seems to be sold out now. One would hope that other traditional centers of Vedic learning, such as in the Godavari or Kaveri deltas would produce such DVDs as well. Recitation recorded at Pune in the Eighties is available via the Royal Danish Library but at prohibitive cost.)

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