[INDOLOGY] article search

Matthew Kapstein mkapstei at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 24 17:26:26 UTC 2015

Dear friends,

I'd be grateful to receive a pdf of

La Vallée Poussin, Louis de (ed.), 1932–33. “Le petit traite de Vasubandhu-Nagarjuna sur les trois natures,” Melanges chinois et bouddhiques .

In addition, anything useful bearing on the presumed authenticity of the ascription of this to Vasubandhu would be
most welcome (I do have the facsimile edition of Nepalese mss. already).

with thanks in advance,

Matthew Kapstein
Directeur d'études,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies,
The University of Chicago

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