[INDOLOGY] How to unsubscribe from Indology?

Suresh Kolichala suresh.kolichala at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 01:28:39 UTC 2015

Dear Rajam,

A better URL to login into indology mailman options would be:

If you want to unsubscribe, click "Unsubscribe" in the second block.

For editing other subscription options, you need to login first. Those of
us who do not know or do not remember the password for their indology
subscription, can use the third block titled "Password Reminder" to remind
the password. Once you login into your account with the password you can
unsubscribe, or change your delivery options.

One of the subscription options allows you to temporarily disable mail
delivery. The options table looks something similar to the following:

*Your INDOLOGY Subscription Options*

*Current values are checked.*

Note that some of the options have a *Set globally* checkbox. Checking this
field will cause the changes to be made to every mailing list that you are
a member of on list.indology.info. Click on *List my other subscriptions* above
to see which other mailing lists you are subscribed to.

*Mail delivery*

Set this option to *Enabled* to receive messages posted to this mailing
list. Set it to *Disabled* if you want to stay subscribed, but don't want
mail delivered to you for a while (e.g. you're going on vacation). If you
disable mail delivery, don't forget to re-enable it when you come back; it
will not be automatically re-enabled.

*Set globally*

You can select the choices on various options, and click submit at the
bottom to make changes on the server. Is this what you are looking for?


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