[INDOLOGY] fr.Wikipedia and other non sa.wikipedia

Robert Zydenbos zydenbos at uni-muenchen.de
Thu Jan 30 17:22:28 UTC 2014

Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:

> I have occasionally contributed to the Tamil Wikipedia (and to other
> Wikipedias), although not frequently.

Good! And I have written in the Kannada and Sanskrit Wikipedias.

elisa freschi wrote:

> [...] I never contributed to the Italian, French or German
> Indological sections of Wikipedia. Why so? Because they are much
> worse, as far as I can judge, than the English version and because I
> see no point in scattering energies through many Wikis. [...]

Don't be too sure about that! Several times I have noticed that the 
non-English Wikipedias provide useful information that is not found in 
the English one. European ideo-diversity is real, and it is enriching.


Prof. Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Institute of Indology and Tibetology
Department of Asian Studies
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Tel. (+49-89-) 2180-5782
Fax (+49-89-) 2180-5827
Web http://zydenbos.userweb.mwn.de/

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