[INDOLOGY] Citrakāvya

Adriano Aprigliano aprigliano at usp.br
Wed May 15 17:24:14 UTC 2013

Dear list members,

I'm trying to help a friend who's looking for a solid bibliography on Citrakāvya. She's been finding it very hard to find, especially, good analysis and translations of the poems.

Does any one also know of editions of the texts quoted bellow with commentaries or glosses explaining the citra passages?

śiśupālavadha, canto 19

kirātārjuṇīya, canto 15

jānakīharaṇa, canto 18

Bellow she gives a list of the poems she worked on in her thesis (in which she also worked with greek and latin carmina figurata), many of which she couldn't understand fully well. If anyone could help us in finding any other bibliographic info on them, we'd be very grateful.

1. padmabandha - quoted in Jha (1975; 197) 

2. khadgabandha - Leela (1999: 61), Lienhard (1992: 211)

3. śarabandha - Leela (1999: 63),  Lienhard (1992: 212).

4. musalabandha - Leela (1999: 62).

5. śakti -  (Leela: 1999).

6. dhanus

7. hala

8. triśula - Leela  (1999: 63)

9. murajabandha -  (29th stanza of  śiśupālavadha's  canto 19 (Jha, 1975: 201); Leela (1999: 68).

10. chatrabandha - Jha (1975: 199)

11. cakrabandha - -(one in śiçśpālavadha's canto 19), another one quoted byLienhard (1992: 209) from Kumāradāsa's Jānakīharaṇa (18.148); a third one by  Jha (1975:. 198) 

13. turagapadabandha - Jha (1975: 196)

14. śārayantrabandha - Jhaa (1975: 61)

15. sarvatobhadra - also form śiśupālavadha (19. 27).

16. gomūtrikā - one jānakīharaṇa  (18. 21), another one from kirātārjunīya (15. 12?)

The authors citing theses poems, she says, usually don't say where they got them from.

If any one may have digitized material that could send us, I thank him/her in advance.

Best wishes
Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano
Área de Língua e Literatura Latina
Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brasil

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