[INDOLOGY] Nyāyabhāṣya e-text added to SARIT.

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Thu May 2 09:59:54 UTC 2013

I am pleased to report the addition of an e-text of Vātsyāyana's
the SARIT online library.  The XML is also
downloadable <http://sarit.indology.info/downloads.shtml>, as usual.  I
expect the file will evolve in the future, with more corrections and
updates.  It is possible that a second, independent e-text of the same work
will be added to SARIT soon, and that will raise the interesting
possibility of file comparisons that I'll be exploring.


Dr Dominik Wujastyk
​SARIT <http://sarit.indology.info> project.​

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