[INDOLOGY] Hoernle epigraphical note

Lubin, Tim LubinT at wlu.edu
Thu Feb 21 02:04:44 UTC 2013

Oops, here is the whole volume on Google books.  In the US, you can
download the whole volume.  If you cannot, I can extract the Hoernle
article and send it.


On 2/20/13 8:56 PM, "Lubin, Tim" <LubinT at wlu.edu> wrote:

>The entire issue is available here:
>either page by page or (with partner log-in) as a whole
>Archive.org has many other issues of this journal, though for many of them
>the volume number and/or year is not mentioned (as usual).  I could not
>find this particular volume (the one listed as vol. 69, 1900, is Part II:
>Natural History).
>Timothy Lubin
>Professor of Religion and Lecturer in Religion and Law
>Washington and Lee University
>Lexington, Virginia 24450
>On 2/20/13 2:59 PM, "Manu Francis" <manufrancis at gmail.com> wrote:
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