Publication Announcement

Donald R Davis Jr drdavis at WISC.EDU
Mon Sep 24 16:29:21 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am pleased to announce the publication of the following collection of 
articles by Ludo Rocher, W. Norman Brown Professor Emeritus at the 
University of Pennsylvania.  The table of contents and a full preview 
are available through the link below.  The volume is already available 
in the US and should be released in Europe and India soon.

Rocher, Ludo. 2012. /Studies in Hindu Law and Dharmaśāstra/ 
ed. Donald R. Davis, Jr. Anthem South Asian Normative Traditions Series. 
London/New York/Delhi: Anthem Press.

Best regards,

Don Davis
Dept of Languages & Cultures of Asia
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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