New academical work

Horacio Francisco Arganis Juarez h.arganisjuarez at YAHOO.COM.MX
Sun Oct 7 15:11:36 UTC 2012

Tamal Krishna Goswami’s PHD Thesis. with Dr. Julius Lipner of Cambridge University, Goswami’s dissertation advisor,  Unveiled in Dallas: A Living Theology in Krishna's Bhakti. back cover of the book contains several endorsements. Francis X. Clooney, SJ, of Harvard University comments  “we learn a great deal about the Vaishnava theological tradition.” Rachel Fell McDermott of Barnard College says Goswami delights in “highlighting Prabhupada’s brilliant Vaishnava theologizing.” And Barbara A. Holdrege, of the University of California in Santa Barbara, says, “Through this work Goswami, as a master mediator between religious and academic worlds, helps open the Hindu studies guild to new voices and alternative discourses and challenges us in the academy to provide hermeneutical and institutional space for the contributions of scholar-practitioners.”
After reading the Book of Goswami et alt, allow me to express my professional opinion:
Definitely is a very valuable book, to contextualize the theological pardigm of his Master Prabhupada. However, that I would be subjetive to said this doesn't contain any shortcomings. 
As a deterministic factor, in not only the wisdom of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's school, but from all over India or vedic tradition, is the divine historicity of Sri Krishna, who was a real historical character and paralelly Godhead encarnate like a human. However Goswami, underestimated this fundamental aspect of Hindu doctrine, to take out Krishna from so called wenster academical "mythology" and upload Him to the conceptual hiperuranius of theology.
Dr. Horacio Francisco Arganis -J.
Lic. M.A. Ph. D. Catedrático Investigador de la Universidad
Internacional Euroamericana.
Departamento de Filosofía y Religión Comparada.

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