For those who are in Paris on 30 June: Sanskrit Day in Maison de l'Inde

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jun 23 13:45:22 UTC 2012

Journée du sanskrit / Sanskrit day

30 juin 2012
Maison de l’Inde, Cité Universitaire
Boulevard Jourdan 75014 PARIS

15.00 Vastupradar;sinii sa;;m ca 
Exposition and conversation in sanskrit by Gopabandhu Misra 

and his students

15.30 Bhagavadgiitaa presented by Marc Ballenfat and Bhandari. 
16.00 Madhuraa.s.taka and K.r.s.nastotras chanted by Rupi Shah
16.15 Seine-stotram composed and recited by Gopabandhu Misra

16.30 Pause

17.00 Ka.niiyaan Raajakumaara.h Le Petit Prince de Saint 
Exupéry translated into sanskrit by Gopabandhu Misra; 

extracts played by the children Aditya, Atharva, Ayan and Shreya.  
17.30 Sau;sravasa-Paa.nini-;saastrariiti-dvaya-pariik:saa 
"Euclid and Paa.nini: an investigation of two scientific 

methodologies" by Jan Houben

18.00 Sa;msk.rtamaahaatmyam by P.-S. Filliozat
18.30 ;Saakuntalanaa.takam, by Kaalidaasa translated by A.L. 
Chézy in 1830: extracts selected and presented by Vasundhara 

Filliozat, read in Sanskrit by V. Filliozat and Gopabandhu 

Mi;sra, in French by the Compagnie Claudie Decultis; verses 

illustrated in dance by Bhamati Filliozat. 

Free entry: 
01 42789895 or 
Maison de l'Inde 01 53807800 (10-12h, 15-17h, 20-22h)

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