Fwd: French Institute of Pondicherry / Publications April 2012

Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 20 00:02:10 UTC 2012

Dear Jean-Luc,

I presume the suggestion in your message is that it is improper for several colleagues with a (past) EFEO connection to be involved in a new Indological series published by the IFP outside of the framework of the EFEO-IFP series Collection Indologie, and that you find it ironic that the IFP has named the new/tentative series after a scholar who was for 21 years of the 20th century director of the EFEO.

Could you provide such a convenient link for the diagnosis of François Gros, or a scan? I do not know what document you are talking about, and I suppose this holds for most other list members, although I am not sure everybody cares.

Best wishes,

Arlo Griffiths

> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 01:50:07 +0200
> From: jean-luc.chevillard at UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
> Subject: [INDOLOGY] Fwd: French Institute of Pondicherry / Publications April 2012
> To: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
> ****************************
> Dear Indology mailing list members,
> a new IFP publication has appeared,
> under the leadership of Bruno DAGENS
> who was an EFEO (École Française d'Extrême-Orient) "scientific member" 
> for 17 years
> "http://www.efeo.fr/biographies/notices/dagens.htm"
> (before becoming a "professeur" at "Paris 3" university)
> [He is currently retired, due to age limits in France]
> It appears as part of a new TENTATIVE collection
> named after the late Jean Filliozat who was the EFEO director for 21 
> years. SEE:
> "http://www.efeo.fr/biographies/notices/filliozat.htm"
> All that is reassuring because it shows that François Gros's 
> FRANK/UNDIPLOMATIC "juvénile" diagnosis found in the pages 47-81 of the 
> (green) report for the 75th anniversary of the EFEO was sound !
> It is a good thing for France to be involved in Southern Indian literatures.
> (François GROS himself later became an EFEO director)
> SEE: "http://www.efeo.fr/biographies/notices/gros.htm"
> and
> SEE: 
> "http://www.ifpindia.org/Deep-Rivers-Selected-Writings-on-Tamil-Literature.html"
> Best wishes
> -- Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS [UMR 7597])
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	French Institute of Pondicherry / Publications April 2012
> Date: 	Wed, 18 Apr 2012 15:25:49 +0580
> From: 	IFP Info <ifpinfo at ifpindia.org>
> Reply-To: 	IFP Info <ifpinfo at ifpindia.org>
> To: 	jean-luc.chevillard at univ-paris-diderot.fr
>    Just Published - April 2012
> IFPINFO / New publication / Nouvelle publication
>        Suksmagama. Volume II. Chapters 14 to 53.
> *S. Sambandhasivacarya, B. Dagens, M.-L. Barazer-Billoret* and *T.
> Ganesan* with the collaboration of *J.-M. Creisméas*, Steles : Jean
> Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History no. 3, IFP, 2012.
> Language: Sanskrit, with English introduction. *800 Rs (35 €).*
> ISBN:978-81-8470-190-6.
> This second volume of the /Suksmagama/ critical edition contains
> descriptions of a variety of rites and ceremonies concerning divinities
> and humans, mostly performed in the temple. Many of them are in the form
> of festivals celebrated in honour of Siva and the Goddess. Others
> include anointing the Linga with a continuous flow of liquids, less well
> known ceremonies connected with the Goddess, special rites exclusively
> performed for the sake of kings, as well as ordeals and an interesting
> and unusual chapter dealing with the organisation of the temple
> personnel. This volume has been prepared and published with the help of
> Région Île-de-France (Programme ARCUS Île-de-France – Inde)
> *Keywords: *saiva, saivasiddhanta, agama, ritual
> *About the editors:*
>    * *S. Sambandhasivacarya* has been working in the French Institute of
>      Pondicherry since 1969 in the project of critically editing the
>      Saivagama-s. Coming from a family of temple priests, well versed in
>      the domain of temple rituals and with a long experience in reading
>      various ancient scripts, he has rendered great help in the first
>      critical editions of agama-s such as the /Matangaparamesvara,
>      Sardhatrisatikalottara, Rauravottara, Ajita/ and the /Diptagama/.
>    * *Bruno Dagens* (Professor emeritus, Université Paris-III Sorbonne
>      nouvelle, member of UMR 7528 and associated researcher at the IFP),
>      has translated /Mayamata/ and authored several studies about Indian
>      tradition in South and Southeast Asia.
>    * *Marie-Luce Barazer-Billoret* (Senior lecturer, Université Paris-III
>      Sorbonne nouvelle, member of UMR 7528 and associated researcher at
>      the IFP), is studying Southern Saivism; she has authored several
>      articles and co-authored the translation of the /Rauravagama/, the
>      critical edition of the /Diptagama/ and a book on Siva.
>    * *T. Ganesan* has been working as a Senior Researcher in the French
>      Institute of Pondicherry since 1985. Under his current research
>      project “A Comprehensive History of Saivasiddhanta in Tamilnadu”, he
>      has published a detailed monograph /Two Saiva Teachers of the
>      sixteenth century. Nigamajnana I and his disciple Nigamajnana II/.
>      The first critical edition of the ancient Saiva text,
>      /Varunapaddhati/ along with the unpublished commentary of
>      Nigamajnana II is one of his main research publications concerning
>      the Saiva ritual system.
>        Suksmagama. Volume II. Chapters 14 to 53.
> *S. Sambandhasivacarya, B. Dagens, M.-L. Barazer-Billoret* and *T.
> Ganesan* with the collaboration of *J.-M. Creisméas*, Steles : Jean
> Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History no. 3, IFP, 2012.
> Langues: sanskrit, avec une introduction en anglais. *800 Rs (35 €). *
> ISBN:978-81-8470-190-6.
> Ce second volume de l'édition critique du /Suksmagama/ contient la
> description de divers rites et cérémonies concernant des dieux et des
> humains et pour la plupart accomplis dans le temple. A côté de plusieurs
> fêtes en l'honneur de Siva et de la Déesse, sont décrits l’ondoiement du
> Linga avec un flot continu de liquides, des cérémonies relativement peu
> connues concernant la Déesse, des rites accomplis au bénéfice du roi ou
> bien encore des ordalies, cependant qu’un chapitre intéressant et peu
> commun traite de l’organisation du personnel du temple. Ce volume a été
> préparé et publié avec l'aide de la Région Île-de-France (Programme
> ARCUS Île-de-France - Inde)
> *Mots-clefs : *saiva, saivasiddhanta, agama, rites
> *A propos des auteurs :*
>    * *S. Sambandhasivacarya* travaille à l’Institut Français de
>      Pondichéry depuis 1969, dans le projet d’édition critique des agama
>      sivaïtes. Issu d’une famille de prêtres, versé dans le domaine des
>      rites des temples et possédant une longue expérience dans la lecture
>      de manuscrits en écritures anciennes différentes, sa contribution a
>      été inestimable pour la préparation des premières éditions
>      critiques d’agama tels que le /Matangaparamesvara/, le
>      /Sardhatrisatikalottara/, le /Rauravottara/, l’/Ajita/ et le
>      /Diptagama/.
>    * *Bruno Dagens* (Professeur émérite, Université Paris-III Sorbonne
>      nouvelle, membre de l’UMR 7528 et chercheur associé à l’IFP), a
>      traduit le /Mayamata/ et a publié de nombreux travaux sur le Monde
>      indien (Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est).
>    * *Marie-Luce Barazer-Billoret* (Maître de conférences, Université
>      Paris-III Sorbonne nouvelle, membre de l’UMR 7528 et chercheur
>      associé à l’IFP), étudie le Sivaïsme méridional ; elle a publié
>      plusieurs articles et, en collaboration, la traduction du
>      /Rauravagama/, l’édition critique du /Diptagama/ et un ouvrage sur
>      Siva.
>    * *T. Ganesan* travaille en tant que « Chercheur Senior » à l’Institut
>      Français de Pondichéry depuis 1985. Dans le cadre de son projet de
>      recherche actuel « Histoire détaillée du Saivasiddhanta en pays
>      tamoul », il a publié une monographie intitulée /Two Saiva Teachers
>      of the sixteenth century. Nigamajnana I and his disciple Nigamajnana
>      II/. L'une de ses publications principales dans le domaine des rites
>      sivaïtes est la première édition critique d’un texte sanskrit ancien
>      intitulé la /Varunapaddhati/, accompagné du commentaire inédit de
>      Nigamajnana II.
> For your orders/enquiries, please contact:
> Pour toute commande ou demande d'information, veuillez contacter:
> Library
> French Institute of Pondicherry
> 11, St. Louis Street, P.B. 33, Pondicherry-605 001, INDIA
> Phone: (91)-413-2334168. Fax:(91)-413-2339534
> E-mail:library at ifpindia.org <mailto:library at ifpindia.org>

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