Looking for students?

Richard Gombrich richard.gombrich at BALLIOL.OX.AC.UK
Sun Sep 25 20:56:45 UTC 2011

I am ALWAYS looking for students, provided that they are enthusiastic and qualified. (By "qualified" I mainly mean: know enough English.) Unfortunately I am no longer in a position, being retired, to ensure that they are accepted by Oxford University; but we can accept them at the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies. This means that we cannot award them degrees; but we can still teach them! (And what costs the money is mainly the degree, not the teaching.)

Richard Gombrich

On 25 Sep 2011, at 19:31, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

> In a blog, a colleague suggested that in this INDOLOGY forum most of us would not be willing to say publicly that we are looking for students (at the MA or PhD level, for example).
> Is this true?
> Best,
> Dominik

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