Porunthal dating

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 17 00:59:00 UTC 2011

I'm sorry you cannot deny it. I find I can, quite easily.

Best wishes to all,
from Jamnagar,


On 16 October 2011 11:49, Dipak Bhattacharya
<dbhattacharya200498 at yahoo.com>wrote:

>  INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk<http://36ohk6dgmcd1n.c.yom.mail.yahoo.net/om/api/1.0/openmail.app.invoke/36ohk6dgmcd1n/6/1.0.35/in/en-IN/view.html>
> 16 10 11
> Dear Colleagues,
> Regarding the debate generated on dating I strongly disapprove of
> chauvinism but cannot deny the xiatence of animosity between Western and
> Indian Indologists as an unwelcome and unfortunate reality. Indian Indology
> began with Raja Ram Mohan Roy but gained visibility in the West later. In
> the early twentieth century and in the heyday of the nationalist movement
> one read the frequent admonition of the “misplaced patriotism” of Indian
> Indologists.  Such admonition continued throughout the century and after.
> The following is from Mare 31, Leids Universitair Weekbald, 23 mei, 2002,
> Pagina 11, Column 4, Paragraph 2:
> “ Het politike klimaat in India stimuleert geen kritische houding in de
> wetenschap die de eigen cultuur bestudeert. Zodra een westerse wetenschapper
> beweert dat iets misschien toch welhondered jaar ouder is dan gedacht werd,
> dan wordt dat gelijk geciteerd. Maar als je zegt dat iets duizend jaar
> minder oud is, dan wordt je gelijk verketterd, en wordt je ontdekking
> genegeend.”
> Apparently the speaker has not heard of S. K. Chatterji, B. M. Barua, H. C.
> Raychaudhuri, R. C. Majumdar, B. K. Ghosh, R. G. Bhandarkar and scores of
> other Indologists who tried to be accurate about the date and/or
> authenticity of texts. The speaker also misses the universality of the
> phenomenon. The Piltdown man was a ‘westers’ affair. I also remember (I
> shall have to find out the exact reference) Keith’s strong disapproval of
> any attempt to place Homer after 800 BC.
> Can’t we get rid of such heedless attitude/pronouncements?
> Best
> DB

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