
Klaus Karttunen klaus.karttunen at HELSINKI.FI
Fri Oct 14 11:35:28 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,
one of the irritating gaps in our libraries is the Bibliotheque bouddhique (though I know it from other libraries). Could anybody look at vol. 7-8 (1934-36) and tell what pages takes the Indes prepared by Nadine Stchoupak.
Klaus Karttunen
Professor of South Asian and Indoeuropean Studies
Asian and African Studies, Department of World Cultures
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel +358-(0)9-191 22674
Fax +358-(0)9-191 22094
Klaus.Karttunen at helsinki.fi

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