History and New Technologies in the Study of Asian Manuscript Traditions

Benjamin Fleming fleming_b4 at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Oct 7 16:01:58 UTC 2011

Dear members of the list,

(sorry for cross-posting) 

A conference of possible interest going on at the University of Pennsylvania in a couple of weeks:

4th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age

Writing the East: History and New Technologies in the Study of Asian Manuscript Traditions

October 21-22, 2011

See the link here:


There is early registration and registration at the door.

Here is the list of participants and their areas of specialization:

    Adam Gacek, McGill University, Institute of Islamic Studies

    David Germano, University of Virginia, The Tibetan and Himalayan Library

    Justin McDaniel, University of Pennsylvania, Thai Digital Monastery

    Yael Rice, The Philadelphia Museum of Art

    Peter Scharf, The Sanskrit Library

    Min Bahadur Shakya, Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods

    Kazuko Tanabe, The Eastern Institute

    Hiram Woodward, The Walters Art Museum

    Susan Whitfield, The British Library, The International Dunhuang Project




Benjamin Fleming, Visiting Scholar, 
Dept. of Religious Studies, 
University of Pennsylvania 249 S. 36th Street, 
201 Claudia Cohen Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.A. 
Telephone - 215-900-5744

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