xindy style file for Sanskrit?

Tue Oct 4 06:34:00 UTC 2011

Dear Richard,

On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 04:22:18PM -0600, Richard Hayes wrote:

> Colleagues, I have a need to generate a Sanskrit index for a piece
> written in xeLaTeX, and am assuming at least one of you has already
> written an xdy style file for the xindy index generator that would
> sort the entries in Sanskrit dictionary order. I have looked for
> such a file in all the usual places without success. I am aware of
> Yasuhiro Okazaki's SktSortKey program and will use it if necessary,
> but I thought it might be worth asking whether a sanskrit.xdy file
> is out there somewhere.

`Back in the day' I put together a short xindy file for CSX+. I'm
attaching it on the off chance it could be useful.

Kind regards,


Richard MAHONEY - Indica et Buddhica

Littledene, Bay Road, OXFORD 7430, NZ
Tel.: +64 3 312 1699
r.mahoney at

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