
Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 11 09:14:50 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,
Having failed to obtain any leads by consulting some individual colleagues, I now wish to consult you collectively about the term raajaku.tii, which I find in a few Cambodian inscriptions:
K. 95, st. XXXIX.= K. 309, st. XXXIX = K.362, st. XXXVI [all three inscriptions date to 811 "saka] raajaku.tyantare raajadvijaatin.rpasuunava.hvi"seyur atra nirddo.san ta evaabhara.naanvitaa.h // 

K. 279 XCVIII = K. 290, st. XCVI = K. 701, st. XCVIII [all three inscriptions date to the 10th c. CE]dvau lekhakau raajaku.tiipaalau pustakarak.si.nautaambuulikau ca paaniiyahaarau .sa.t pattrakaarakaa.h //

This raajaku.tii may correspond to the vra.h ku.ti seen in some contemporary khmer-language inscriptions, although the term vra.h is ambiguous (it can mean both 'king' and 'god'). I also find the expression ku.ti haji, which literally means 'king's ku.ti', in an Old Malay inscription of Northern Sumatra (date ca. 10-11th c. CE). Can anyone furnish comparative data from South Asia, or elsewhere, which may throw light on what these ancient Khmers and ancient Malays had in mind when speaking about a 'king's ku.ti/ii'?
Many thanks in advance. Best wishes,
Arlo Griffiths (EFEO/Jakarta)

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