Men and Masculinity in Hinduism & Buddhism

Geoffrey Samuel SamuelG at CARDIFF.AC.UK
Thu Sep 9 01:23:23 UTC 2010

Dear Tracy

There are some extended discussions of masculinity in my Origins of Yoga and Tantra: Indian Religions to the Thirteenth Century  (Cambridge University Press, 2008). See Chapter 8 in particular.

David Gordon White's new book Sinister Yogis (University of Chicago 2009) may be relevant as well, in particular in relation to the early construction of yoga in the Mahabharata etc as closely connected with warriorship.

Best wishes


School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, Humanities Bldg, Colum Drive, Cardiff CF10 3EU. 
Research Group on the Body, Health and Religion (BAHAR), 10 Museum Place, Cardiff CF10 3BG. 
Tel. +44 29 2087 0558, 2087 0546.

-----Indology <INDOLOGY at> wrote: -----

Date:    Wed, 8 Sep 2010 14:43:27 -0600
From:    Tracy Coleman <tcoleman at COLORADOCOLLEGE.EDU>
Subject: Men and Masculinity in Hinduism & Buddhism


I will be teaching a new course this year entitled "Holy Men, Manly Men:
Gods, Buddhas and Gurus in South Asia," a title that could alternatively
refer to "heroic" men or to "yogis."  I intend to explore the =
between masculinity and divinity, and men and religious power more

I am therefore seeking your suggestions for readings, including course
texts and/or articles; monographs and edited volumes to order for our
library (for use in student research papers); and any related articles
that may be helpful for students' research on specific topics, including

For course texts, so far I plan to use Olivelle's recent translation of
the Buddhacarita, along with John Power's _A Bull of a Man_.  I may use
Bryant's translation of Bhagavata Purana X.  I'd like to treat the
Sanskrit epics, or at least the Ramayana, perhaps using a single volume
from the Clay Sanskrit Library, supplemented by other readings, possibly
treating contemporary images/uses of Rama.  I'd also like to look at a
significant guru or yogi figure (Ramakrishna, for example, or another
figure who has been studied from different perspectives).  But I'm sure
there are many more possibilities that you all know about as well.  I =
plan to explore iconographic traditions.

My students are undergraduate, but very smart, and all will have a
prerequisite of introductory Hinduism or/and Buddhism.  I can't ask them
to pay exorbitant prices for course texts, but I can order such texts =
highly relevant) for the library for student research.

I am especially seeking references to critical studies that treat men,
masculinity, and male sexuality specifically, since their is so much =
in gender studies focused on women.

I look forward to whatever you may recommend, and I thank you in advance
for you help.

Tracy Coleman
Department of Religion
Colorado College


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