Publication Announcement
Walter Slaje
slaje at T-ONLINE.DE
Thu May 20 07:04:41 UTC 2010
Hermann Jacobi, Die Entwicklung der Gottesidee bei den Indern und deren Beweise für das Dasein Gottes. Hrsg. v. Andreas Pohlus. (Geisteskultur Indiens. 14. Klassiker der Indologie.) Aachen: Shaker 2010. pp. 234. ISBN 978-3-8322-9074-0 EUR 24,80
This re-edition of Jacobi's famous study presents the Sanskrit texts and their German translation on facing pages. A newly prepared index covers the names, subjects, technical terms and text-places referred to by Jacobi. It contains also an updated bibliography (50 pages) of selected works on the various "proofs of the existence of god" as furnished in India and the West.
Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar
Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor
studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum
non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,
sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus
humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.
Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.
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