Fwd: Sanskrit Manuscripts in South Indian Scripts: the van Manen Collection

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at GMAIL.COM
Sat Mar 13 15:56:00 UTC 2010

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From: Rath, S. <S.Rath at iias.nl>
Date: 9 March 2010 00:35
Subject: Sanskrit Manuscripts in South Indian Scripts: the van Manen

Dear Dominik,

As you know that I have been working on the south indian manuscripts of the
Johan van Manen collection, Leiden. At present I would like to make the
complete list of titles of the texts (588) found in this collection
available to those interested. Several new texts have been identified which
were not in the preliminary hand-list published by H. 't Hart in 1992. My
complete catalogue which gives more detailed information on the manuscripts
is under preparation and will be published soon.
Could you please forward the following link to the Indology List ?
With thanks and best regards,


Dr. Saraju Rath
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
Postbox no. 9500
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel. 0031-71-5274147
email: s.rath at iias.nl

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