The Perfume Vendor in BhartRhari's VAkyapadIya

John William Nemec jwn3y at CMS.MAIL.VIRGINIA.EDU
Tue Jul 27 00:32:12 UTC 2010

Dear Indology List Members,

I seem to remember BhartRhari referring by way of analogy to a perfume vendor in the VAkyapadIya, one with a keen sense of smell that could distinguish individual scents from amongst many of them in the shop. I cannot now find the reference, however.

Does anyone know the source of this passage, or have I just dreamed this up? Any help offered on- or off-list would be most appreciated. Thank you.


John Nemec

John Nemec, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Indian Religions and South Asian Studies
Dept. of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
323 Gibson Hall / 1540 Jefferson Park Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903 (USA)
nemec at

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