Sanskrit terms for Sanskrit dialects

Peter Scharf peter_scharf at BROWN.EDU
Wed Jul 14 02:08:58 UTC 2010

Is anyone aware of traditional Sanskrit terms for Sanskrit dialects  
that would be equivalent to the following?

Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit

Of course Panini distinguished between chandas and bhaa.saa and also  
specified usages in particular Vedic traditions (yajus, mantra,  
etc.).  The term 'chandas' might be taken to be equivalent to  
'Vedic'.  However, I am not aware of any traditional terms for the  
other three.  Are you?

I ask because I proposed that tags based on these four terms be  
adopted as standard xml language variant subtags.  Some respondents  
want Indigenous terms, and are especially sensitive to the term  
'classical'.  Any suggestions?


Peter M. Scharf                           (401) 863-2720 office
Department of Classics             (401) 863-2123 dept.
Brown University
PO Box 1856                               (401) 863-7484 fax
Providence, RI 02912                Scharf at

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