Looking for quotes

Horacio Francisco Arganis Juarez h.arganisjuarez at YAHOO.COM.MX
Fri Aug 13 21:39:41 UTC 2010

> De: Horacio Francisco Arganis Juarez <h.arganisjuarez at yahoo.com.mx>
> Asunto: Looking for quotes
> A: "Martin Gansten" <martin.gansten at PBHOME.SE>
> Fecha: viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010, 21:38
> Dear Professors:
> I am looking for my Ph D thesis the follow literal quotes
> in English from the Jainas and buddhistics sources:
> The most exalted figures in Jainism are the twenty-four
> Tirthankaras. Krishna, when he was incorporated into the
> Jain list of heroic figures presented a problem with his
> activities which are not pacifist or non-violent. The
> concept of Baladeva, Vasudeva and Prati-Vasudeva was used to
> solve it. The Jain list of sixty-three Shalakapurshas or
> notable figures includes amongst others, the twenty-four
> Tirthankaras and nine sets of this triad. One of these
> triads is Krishna as the Vasudeva, Balarama as the Baladeva
> and Jarasandha as the Prati-Vasudeva. He was a cousin of the
> twenty-second Tirthankara, Neminatha. The stories of these
> triads can be found in the Harivamsha of Jinasena (not be
> confused with its namesake, the addendum to Mahābhārata)
> and the Trishashti-shalakapurusha-charita of
> Hemachandra.[97]
> In each age of the Jain cyclic time is born a Vasudeva with
> an elder brother termed the Baladeva. The villain is the
> Prati-vasudeva. Baladeva is the upholder of the Jain
> principle of non-violence. However, Vasudeva has to forsake
> this principle to kill the Prati-Vasudeva and save the
> world. The Vasudeva then descends to hell as a punishment
> for this violent act. Having undergone the punishment he is
> then reborn as a Tirthankara.[98][99]
> Buddhism
> Depiction of Krishna playing flute in the temple
> constructed in AD 752 on the order of Emperor Shomu;
> Todai-ji Temple, Great Buddha Hall in Nara, JapanThe story
> of Krishna occurs in the Jataka tales in Buddhism,[100] in
> the Ghatapandita Jataka as a prince and legendary conqueror
> and king of India.[101] In the Buddhist version, Krishna is
> called Vasudeva, Kanha and Keshava, and Balarama is his
> younger brother, Baladeva. These details resemble that of
> the story given in the Bhagavata Purana. Vasudeva, along
> with his nine other brothers (each son a powerful wrestler)
> and one elder sister (Anjana) capture all of Jambudvipa
> (many consider this to be India) after beheading their evil
> uncle, King Kamsa, and later all other kings of Jambudvipa
> with his Sudarshana Chakra. Much of the story involving the
> defeat of Kamsa follows the story given in the Bhagavata
> Purana.[102]
> As depicted in the Mahābhārata, all of the sons are
> eventually killed due to a curse of sage Kanhadipayana (Veda
> Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dwaipayana). Krishna himself is
> eventually speared by a hunter in the foot by mistake,
> leaving the sole survivor of their family being their
> sister, Anjanadevi of whom no further mention is made.[103]
> Since Jataka tales are given from the perspective of
> Buddha's previous lives (as well as the previous lives of
> many of Buddha's followers), Krishna appears as one of the
> lives of Sariputra, one of Buddha's foremost disciples and
> the "Dhammasenapati" or "Chief General of the Dharma" and is
> usually shown being Buddha's "right hand man" in Buddhist
> art and iconography.[104] The Bodhisattva, is born in this
> tale as one of his youngest brothers named Ghatapandita, and
> saves Krishna from the grief of losing his son.[101] The
> 'divine boy' Krishna as an embodiment of wisdom and
> endearing prankster is forming a part of worshipable
> pantheon in Japanese Buddhism.[105]
> ^ Jaini, P.S. (1993). "Jaina Puranas: A Puranic Counter
> Tradition". Journal of the American Oriental Society 94: 96.
> doi:10.2307/599733. http://books.google.com/books^ Cort, J.E.
> (1993). "An Overview of the Jaina Puranas". Journal of the
> American Oriental Society 94: 96. doi:10.2307/599733.
> http://
> Lic. M.A. Horacio Francisco Arganis Juárez
> Catedrático Investigador de la Universidad
> Internacional Euroamericana.
> Departamento de Filosofía y Religión Comparada.
> Miembro del Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos de Saltillo
> A. C.
> www.uie.edu.es
> --- El vie 13-ago-10, Martin Gansten <martin.gansten at PBHOME.SE>
> escribió:
> > De: Martin Gansten <martin.gansten at PBHOME.SE>
> > Asunto: [INDOLOGY] Looking for Hemaprabha Sūri's
> Trailokyaprakāś a (etc.)
> > A: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
> > Fecha: viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010, 16:46
> > I have been trying for some time, so
> > far unsuccessfully, to procure a copy (printed,
> photocopied
> > or scanned) of the Trailokyaprakāśa by Hemaprabha
> Sūri.
> > Apart from the edition mentioned by Pingree (New
> Delhi
> > 1967), I am aware only of a 1980 edition (with Hindi
> > translation) published by the Jamnagar Jain Sangh.
> > 
> > Even more elusive is the Tājikatantrasāra (aka
> > Gaṇakabhūṣaṇa, aka Karmaprakāśikā, aka
> > Mānuṣyajātaka) by Samarasiṃha. Here I know of
> only one
> > edition (with Nīlakaṇṭha's
> Tājikanīlakaṇṭhī,
> > Meraṭha 1866).
> > 
> > Any help with locating either of these texts would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Martin Gansten
> > 


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