What Devanagari text would you most like as an e-text

Sven Sellmer sellmers at GMX.DE
Fri May 29 14:14:43 UTC 2009

I agree with Stella Sandahl: dramas and kāvya, if possible accompanied  
by commentaries, should be among the priorities.
The only list I know of is the GRETIL one.
Best wishes,
Sven Sellmer

Am 29.05.2009 um 16:00 schrieb Stella Sandahl:

> Dear Dominik and all,
> Is there somewhere a list which kAvyas, mahAkAvyas and dramas are  
> accessible as e-texts?
> In particular, it would be very useful if all the major dramas WITh  
> the Prakrit parts (and chAyA) could be easily accessible.
> Also, judging by the programmes of the last three World Sanskrit  
> Conferences it seems to me that les belles lettres are being neglected
> in favour of grammar, philosophy, epics and Puranas.
> Best regards to all
> Stella Sandahl
> --
> Stella Sandahl
> ssandahl at sympatico.ca
> On 29-May-09, at 8:47 AM, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:
>> In the last decade or two, a substantial amount of Sanskrit  
>> literature has become available in e-text form.  Veda, Mahabharata,  
>> Ramayana, Mahabhasya, Astadhyayi, Kasika, Puranas, many Tantras,  
>> dharmasastra and jyotisa texts, Buddhist literature, much else.
>> What next?  What text is there in Devanagari script that hasn't  
>> been input yet, and that you would dearly like to have as an e- 
>> text?  I wonder if we can put together a prioritized list?
>> Best,
>> Dominik Wujastyk

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