Translations from Tamil into Sanskrit (Re: Translations into Sanskrit

Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
Thu Mar 19 17:07:51 UTC 2009

If you are interested in translations from Tamil into Sanskrit,
you can have a look at the following book:

/Un texte tamoul de dévotion vishnouite: le Tiruppāvai d'Āṇṭāḷ/, Jean 
FILLIOZAT, Institut Français d'Indology, Publication N°45, 1972

It contains:

-- an introduction [pp. vii-xxiii]

-- a bibliography [pp. xxiv-xxvii]

-- the (original Tamil) text of the /Tiruppāvai/, along with a French 
translation [pp. 2-31]

-- notes [pp. 33-56]

-- the TIRUPPĀVAI SAṂSKṚTĀNUVYĀKHYĀNAM (by Śrīraṅgarāmānujasvāmi) [pp. 

-- a French translation ("Commentaire perpétuel sanskrit par 
Śrīraṅgarāmānujasvāmi [pp.69-79]


-- a French translation (ŚRĪVRATA, LE VOEU DE FORTUNE) [pp. 87-92]

-- an INDEX [pp. 93-116]

In the introduction (p. xxii), Jean Filliozat writes:
"Le /Tiruppāvai/ a été aussi trois fois au moins traduit en sanskrit. ..."

He then gives details concerning the first 2 translations, included in 
the book, and the third one, not included, which exists as a manuscript 
in the EFEO library in Pondicherry (n° EFEO 64).

I should add that the /Tiruppāvai/ is dated by Kamil Zvelebil in the 8th 
century. (/Lexicon of Tamil Literature/, Brill, 1995, p. 685)

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard
 (CNRS, Université Paris-Diderot Paris 7)

Sven Sellmer a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
> lately I was asked about early translations into Sanskrit and noticed 
> that this is quite an interesting question I know little about. Is 
> anybody aware of articles or books on this topic? In particular, I 
> would be curious to learn about the earliest translations into 
> Sanskrit of texts originally composed in languages others than Middle 
> Indo-Aryan ones (as only these I would consider translations in the 
> full sense).
> Best wishes,
> Sven Sellmer
> ************************************
> Dr. Sven Sellmer
> Adam Mickiewicz University
> Institute of Oriental Studies
> South Asia Unit
> ul. 28 czerwca 1956 r. nr 198
> 61-485 Poznań
> sven at

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