Publication announcement : on the dating of Kani.ska

Christophe Vielle christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Fri Mar 6 08:19:17 UTC 2009

>Looking at the table of contents of 
>Bauddhasahityastabakavali, and the article of 
>Karl-Heinz GOLZIO
"Zur Datierung desönigs Kani.ska",

it reminds me that I came across a recent 
reference on the same subject, which is a 
detailed study from the numismatic point of view, 
in a periodical (famous for being the oldest 
literary one in Europe, founded in 1665 AD and 
now published by the French Académie des 
Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres) which could have 
escape the attention of the Indologists:
BOPEARACHCHI Osmund, "Les premiers souverains 
kouchans : chronologie et iconographie 
monétaire", in Journal des Savants, Janvier-Juin 
2008, pp. ??
(on the author, who had published in 1991 : 
Monnaies gréco-bactriennes et indo-grecques, 
catalogue raisonné, see

Best wishes,

Christophe Vielle

>Bauddhasahityastabakavali: Essays and Studies on Buddhist Sanskrit
>Literature Dedicated to Claus Vogel by Colleagues, Students, and
>Friends. Edited by Dragomir Dimitrov, Michael Hahn, and Roland
>Steiner. Marburg 2008, xxvi, 351 pp., hardcover (Indica et Tibetica,
>Band 36), ISBN: 978-3-923776-36-8, Price: EUR 48,00
>This volume contains a bibliography of Professor Claus Vogel’s
>publications and 15 papers (10 in German, 5 in English), all but one
>dealing with Buddhist topics (critical editions, translations, text-
>critical, historical, and literary studies).
>Table of Contents:
>Preface    ix
>Publications of Claus Vogel    xi
>Kavya-Literatur in der frühen und mittelalterlichen Tradition der
>Singhalesen in Sri Lanka    1
>Siglinde DIETZ
>Mat?ce?as *Caturviparyasajihasakatha    17
>Dragomir DIMITROV
>Some Remarks on the Rupyavatyavadana of the Divyavadana(mala)    45
>Helmut EIMER
>Überlegungen zur Überlieferungsgeschichte des tibetischen
>Buddhacarita    65
>Karl-Heinz GOLZIO
>Zur Datierung des Ku?a?a-Königs Kani?ka I.    79
>Michael HAHN
>The Sanskrit Text of Jñanasrimitra’s V?ttamalastuti    93
>Candradasa’s Tarastuti    171
>Vasumitras Darsanapañcasatstava: Ein Buddha-Hymnus aus
>Ostturkistan    187
>Konrad KLAUS
>Metrische und textkritische Untersuchungen zur Ra??rapalaparip?ccha:
>Die alten Arya-Strophen    199
>Philipp A. MAAS: A Phylogenetic Approach to the Transmission of the
>Tibetan Kanjur –the Ak?ayamatinirdesa Revisited    229
>Klaus-Dieter MATHES: The Sri Sabarapadastotraratna of Vanaratna   
>Mamiko und Yukihiro OKADA: Zum Verhältnis des Lalitavistara zur
>Ratnaku?a-Sammlung: Die Sage von Syama und Ruci (Lalitavistara
>XIII.[32])    269
>Wilhelm RAU: Der Magnet im Alten Indien: Sanskrit Parallelen zu
>Plinius: Naturalis Historia 34.42    285
>Roland STEINER: Glossar (Sanskrit-Deutsch-Tibetisch) zum ersten
>Gesang von Asvagho?as Buddhacarita    291
>Klaus WILLE: Neue Fragmente des Candrasutra    339
>Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn
>Ritterstr. 14
>D-35287 Amoeneburg
>Tel. +49-6422-938963
>Fax: +49-6422-938967
>E-mail: hahn.m at


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