The "patra" method in Jaina theories of knowledge and argumentation

Marie-Hélène Gorisse mhgorisse at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 17 14:20:57 UTC 2009

Dear members of the Indological list,

First, I am looking for the text of Vidyananda's Patraparîksa. May anyone
help me in this task?

Secondly, have someone come accross any reference to the term "patra" in the
Jaina theories of knowledge and argumentation?
I did not find this expression anywhere besides in Prabhâcandra's
Prameyakamalamârtanda and Anantavîrya's Prameyaratnamâlâ. In both
occurences, the "patra" method is introduced (in the same way as the naya
method is) as an alternative to the pramâna method. These two occurrences
are in Prabhâcandra's and Anantavîrya's commentaries on the very last verse
of the Parîksamukham of Mânikyanandî, namely "sambhavad-anyad-vicâranîyam",
"something else which exists is to be investigated".

Thank you very much for any help!
Best regards,
Marie-Hélène Gorisse
PhD-student in Jaina theories of knowledge and argumentation
Departement of Philosophy
University of Lille 3, France

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